We’ve packaged up the key information about Genius and some photographs that you’re welcome to use in any articles or blog posts you write. If you’ve got any questions, feel free to contact us and we’ll be very happy to help. And don’t forget to let us know when your article is published… We’ll tell everyone!
About us

Saving you energy by applying smart technology to your business...

The first Genius Hub heating control system was launched in 2012, receiving positive reviews in national magazines and newspapers. Since then, our smart control solutions have been providing efficient and reliable heating control in thousands of properties, controlling tens of thousands of zones, including; Offices, Hotels, Public Buildings, Nursing Homes, Schools and Commercial Properties.

Our products are designed and manufactured in Birmingham, bringing sustainable employment to the UK, Birmingham is also the base for the Genius Hub customer support team, dedicated product development and software engineering centre. Providing efficient and reliable wireless zoning of heating in complex buildings, eliminating heating conflict and improving stakeholder comfort, whilst also saving energy, heating costs and reducing carbon with user friendly heating controls.

First Class Honors in Masters of Mechanical Engineering (Warwick) Renewable Energy Consultant - 5 years
Alasdair Woodbridge
Masters in Computer Systems Engineering (Warwick)
Building Automation Software Design - 5 years
Simon Turner
Design Identity
C0M24Y100K0C63M47Y40K30C24M18Y19K2C0M0Y0K0Pantone7548R255G199B0Pantone 431Pantone CoolGrey 3R91G101B110R201G200B200White

Colour Guidelines

A clean modern palette

The colours we use have been specially selected to evoke a cool and calm persona for our brand. Used alongside light, well-composed graphic photography, it ensures a clean aspirational style and an ownable visual tone.



Statistics & Mentions
Carbon tonnes saved
Typical customer energy saving
1 %