Saving you energy by applying smart technology to your business...

For businesses and local authorities seeking comprehensive energy management solutions across multiple buildings, the Genius Hub system is the perfect choice.

Genius Hub is a valuable asset for businesses and office spaces, enabling you to significantly cut down on energy usage by efficiently heating only the occupied areas within your property. Through precise control of room-by-room heating and intelligent learning of optimal schedules, it not only leads to cost and energy savings but also contributes to a substantial reduction in carbon emissions, aiding organizations in fulfilling their CRC (Carbon Reduction Commitment) obligations.

With its secure remote access functionality, you can effortlessly oversee and control numerous sites from a centralized location, streamlining maintenance tasks and ensuring seamless control.


Heating History

Genius Hub monitors as well as controls. Target and actual temperatures are recorded for every room along with occupancy triggers and external weather information. All of this can be viewed from the app

Remote Acccess

Monitor and control the heating from a central office or wherever you are. Only heat the rooms you want, to the right temperature at the times you choose - total control

Local Control

The temperature of each room can be controlled by the occupants. Simply adjust the target temperature on the Wireless Radiator Valve. This facility can be turned on or off for each room


Great customer service is the priority for every hotel or guest house owner and with the Genius Hub system, rooms can be monitored to see if they are at a comfortable temperature or whether guests have checked out. Each day the rooms are reset back to a standard temperature, ensuring that each new guest always enters a room at a temperature suited to them.


HMO & Student Living

As these types of household tend to have very irregular usage, the ‘footprint’ mode of the Genius Hub can ensure that rooms get turned off when tenants rooms are not in use, and automatically ensure a preset temperature when they return.

The ‘window’ open feature of the Wireless Radiator Valve can also help to avoid situations where the radiator is heating the room, whilst the window is open – no more heating the streets!

Care Homes

Care homes offer a particular challenge when trying to control heating effectively. Elderly and vulnerable clients need to be kept warm at all times. Although each client has their own temperature preferences, they frequently forget to adjust manual controls, instead, staff have to take responsibility for ensuring appropriate temperatures – a needless distraction from providing the highest standard of care for their clients. 

Genius Hub can be installed in...

Genius Hub is really a toolkit – it can be used to control and monitor in many different scenarios. We can develop a control and/or monitoring solution for you. Below are some examples of building types that we have installed control systems into.

Education & Offices


Public Services & Local Authorities

Churches & Venues

Something Different?

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