How Does Genius Hub Work?

Genius Hub functions by dividing the space into zones, utilising our Wireless Radiator Valves or Electric Switches to control heating in each zone. The Genius Hub is used for remote access, intelligent scheduling, occupancy detection, and heating analytics, allowing businesses to optimise heating efficiency, reduce energy waste, and customise comfort levels based on occupancy and usage patterns.

Genius Hub

Connects the devices to the internet, allowing remote control from anywhere

Electric Switch

This switch is connected to the boiler and is wirelessly controlled by the Genius Hub when zones are requesting heat

Wireless Radiator Valve

Allows each radiator to be controlled automatically

Wireless Room Sensor

Automatically turns on heating when you arrive and off when you leave

The Genius Hub connects to your internet router using an Ethernet cable. It communicates with all the devices in your home through wireless technologies called Z-Wave and Zigbee, not Wi-Fi. Z-Wave & Zigbee are great at reaching through walls and use very little power, so your device batteries can last up to a year. This also means the Genius Hub won’t disrupt your Wi-Fi-connected devices. If your boiler can be controlled through a switched live or a volt-free contact on its thermostat terminals, the Genius Hub can control it.

Wireless Technology


Quick Installation


How Does Genius Hub Measure Up?

Genius Hub



Honeywell Evohome

Individual Room Control

Linked Room Heating

Pre-Install Configuration

Controls Multiple Heating Types

Unlimited Zones

Restrict Manual Override

Scalable for Commercial Use

Genius Hub Hive Tado Honeywell Evohome
Individual Room Control
Genius Hub Hive Tado Honeywell Evohome
Linked Room Heating
Genius Hub Hive Tado Honeywell Evohome
Unlimited Zones
Genius Hub Hive Tado Honeywell Evohome
Pre-Install Configuration
Genius Hub Hive Tado Honeywell Evohome
Controls Multiple Heating Types
Genius Hub Hive Tado Honeywell Evohome
Restrict Manual Override
Genius Hub Hive Tado Honeywell Evohome
Scalable for Commercial Use
Genius Hub Hive Tado Honeywell Evohome